April 8, 2020
RISE. Four simple letters that form a powerful word. Each year in the beginning of January, I choose a word to guide me throughout the rest of the year. This new year I had a difficult time selecting a word at first and had to scour the internet for lists of possible words to consider. The word rise resonated off the list to me (I even got chills) and immediately began to figure out how I would incorporate that word into my life over the next year. Rise a little earlier each morning. Rise up to my potential. Rise by lifting others. I saved motivational quotes like “Rise up and be the best you can be because your world is waiting for you.” I was confident in my decision of selecting it as my word for 2020, yet I still felt that I wasn’t sure how to fully implement it. Fast forward to mid-March when the COVID-19 pandemic took the nation by storm and I now have my answer. Rise by overcoming challenges.
Although I am not in the health and science field to help combat the Coronavirus, there are little things I am doing every day to rise above this situation. Obviously, I am being cautious and practicing safe interactions only when its necessary and I am also living each day by practicing the 3 G’s. A few different mentors over my life have brought these up and never before had I fully implemented them all at once until now (some are a struggle, but I just remind myself) and I hope you’ll try to as well. The 3 G’s are Gratitude, Graciousness, and Generosity.
Gratitude – there’s always a silver lining; find it. Blessings do exist every day even during this unpredictable situation. I’ve been adding to a list of things I am thankful for every day. It’s amazing what you’ll find when you’re seeking it out. I’ve noticed this allows me to stay in a happier mood each day and stay positive during the tougher moments.
Graciousness – have compassion for others and be kind. Patience goes a long way during these trying times. Please know that everyone is handling all of this differently and by extending some grace, we can all get through this a little easier. Deep breaths get me through a lot of the day.
Generosity – there’s many in need and although my time is limited to mostly in home, I am trying to share some of my “virtual” time with some friends. Join me for 8am coffee chats on Zoom if you’re needing some human interaction and a listening ear. Also, tipping service providers goes a long way!
Each of us are battling this virus in different ways: physically, mentally, and/or financially. I hope you and your loved ones are taking all the precautions necessary to keep yourselves safe and you remain healthy. I also hope you are remembering to take care of yourself. Be mindful to take at least 30 minutes each day to let yourself unwind – meditate, eat your favorite snack, sleep in a little bit or take a joy ride to clear your mind (don’t stop anywhere, of course). While you’re at it, blast my theme song this year, “Rise Up” by Andra Day, for some extra inspiration to get you through the tougher days. Included in this letter are two fun BINGO cards, one for you and one for kids (disregard if you don’t know any children to pass it along to). Challenge yourself to get a few BINGOs or even fill up the whole card this month! I look forward to the “all clear” day when I can host an event to see you, hug you, or just shake your hand (hopefully soon)! Until then…
Let’s RISE together,
Your friend and Realtor,

Amber Finch – Your Central Florida Realtor